
Annabel’s talks from the Manchester Sex Lectures…


I’ve given a couple of talks now, as part of the Manchester Sex Lectures… the first was in September 2018, and the most recent was a couple of weeks ago, September 2019.

I can’t begin to tell you how nervous I was the first time, but I did it nonetheless and learnt a lot.  Tantra is so much to do with living our biggest and most expansive life, present to the fullness of possibility in any given moment.  Give me a group to stand before as I teach on a workshop, or a single person or couple I’m working with in my private practice and I’m generally very comfortable, but public speaking with bright lights, mics and no dialogue is a different kettle of fish – definitely pushed me to expand, and go way beyond my comfort zone.  I’m very grateful for that push; of course I’ll get better at this… please excuse my beginners ways.

The first talk was about Sexuality and Vulnerability – It’s 12 minutes long.  You simple can’t open to sexual expression without also being open to vulnerability – it’s a very close bed-follow to authenticity.

The second is my musings on how Heart Break is Just a Part of Life – 17 minutes.  Seemed like a good idea to talk about at the time! Gosh, I make myself laugh with the ideas that hold resonance to me… this was not the easily subject, but I have to say, regardless of the quality of my delivery I went on an awesome journey as I researched and tuned into this talk.  I hope that it touches you in some way.

There are loads of other brilliant Sex Lectures that have been given by other people on the Sex Lextures YouTube account.  I highly recommend that you have a good ol’ listen.  They are all enriching, illuminating and each one has a surprising amount of info in such a short talk.

Biggest thanks to Alison Pilling and Roget Bygott who have co-created and curated and put on the Manchester Sex Lectures… and now they are beginning to travel.  The next Sex Lectures evening is in Glasgow on November 23rd.