Shedding skins and dreaming of flying…

Happy to new year.  I know that January 1st is generally referred to as the start of the new year, but in this Northern Hemisphere I tend to see February 1st as my new year.  I have a particular love of snowdrops … what harbingers of hope they are.

This winter I’ve been truer than ever to my need for really lay low, hibernate, be snuggly and internal.  Within this slowness and quiet I swear I’ve sensed the pulses of germination within my being, even a skin or two being shed.  I just might just have popped a shoot out of the earth now!

For a good wee while I’ve felt like there was a new flavour for my work wanting to come through.  Having given myself this aligned winter break I’m finding the space to allow that to rise.  I’m not going to talk about what will come yet, as it’s not quite ready to hatch yet, (A bit like how pregnant women tend to wait till they’re three months pregnant before they announce it!) but I think this incredible video showing a puss moth going on it’s magical journey somehow captures my inner dance at the mo.

I do absolutely love moths by the way …

Sending love to your new shoots and all that you’re growing into, whether your at the getting lots of nourishment to grow phase, shedding skin or in the soupy pupa phase, drying your new wings or have even taken flight already.